Friday, February 02, 2007

Ground Hog Day!!!

I can't believe it, it's Ground Hog Day. I thought that it was made up for the movie but apparently it is real. So... they monitored the Ground Hog's at a place called Balzac which is just north of Calgary about 15 minutes and the Hog's have stuck their heads up out of the ground and as they couldn't see the shadow of 3 of them apparently legends says that Spring is going to be early this year. Pity it couldn't come earlier.... I am sick of the snow.

Mind you there is no sun today - any wander there is no shadow!!!!

A quick history of Ground Hog Day...

The legend of Groundhog Day is based on an old Scottish couplet: "If Candlemas Day is bright and clear, there'll be two winters in the year."

Every February 2, people gather at Gobbler's Knob, a wooded knoll just outside of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Residents contend that the groundhog has never been wrong.

The ceremony in Punxsutawney was held in secret until 1966, and only Phil's prediction was revealed to the public. Since then, Phil's fearless forecast has been a national media event.

The groundhog comes out of his electrically heated burrow, looks for his shadow and utters his prediction to a Groundhog Club representative in "groundhogese." The representative then translates the prediction for the general public.

If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter. If he does not see his shadow, it means spring is just around the corner.

Approximately 90% of the time, Phil sees his shadow.

Phil started making predictions in 1887 and has become an American institution

At 7:28AM on Friday February 2nd, 2007, Punxsutawney Phil, King of the Groundhogs. Seers of Seers, Prognosticators of Prognosticators, Weather Prophet without Peer, Imitated but Never Equaled gave the following proclamation:

El Nino has caused high winds, heavy snow, ice and freezing temperatures in the west;
Here in the East, with much milder winter we have been blessed.
Global warming has caused a great debate;
Mild winter makes it seem just great.
On this Groundhog Day, we think of one thing:
Will we have winter or will we have spring?
On Gobbler’s Knob, I see no shadow today;
I predict early spring is on the way!