Come day 7 of the tour we get picked up by our new tour guide, a 6 foot 2 inch Canadian girl called Barb who is a top chic. So we drive down to Waterton and head into Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump. That's where the native Indians used to roung up the herd of Buffalo and chase them over the edge to kill them to get meat for their tribes. It was named this as one of the young indians wanted to stand and watch the Buffalo fall past him like he was standing behind a water fall and one of them fell on his head and smashed his head in. Thus it got it's name.
So after we stop at the historical site we head on into Waterton. Waterton is a cute little town. The whole town centre fits into about 2 blocks. There were deer wandering around the whole town.
Day 8:
We hiked up a mountain for about 2 1/2 hours to Bertha Lake. Again like all the hikes it was beautiful. There were reports of black bears around but we didn't see any. So we sat at the top of the mountain and ate lunch and wished we had of taken our bathers with us to swim in the lake and cool off.
Day 9:
We went for a walk in the morning where there had been sighings of Moose but we didn't see any. So we walked around and looked at the lake and tdhen we hired canoes. The lake actually borders the US (Montana) so you can actually row to the US and back. So we did just that. There were 3 of us in my canoe. I sat in the middle of the canoe and made sure that i splashed the person in front of me and behind me as much as i could... Just becasue i could.
Ok i have a whole lot of assorted photo's to put up from the rest of Waterton and the canoeing day so i am just going to list them all below:

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